House Numbers

House Numbers


We have 4 kinds of house numbers. They are backlit house numbersfront light house numbersilluminated address plaquesteel address numbers.

Application: House, building ,apartment, room etc.

Lighted house numbers and illuminated address plaques can make your house visibly found day or night. So we sincerely recommend to you!

Custom Options 

Both illuminated and non-illuminated house numbers can be custom.

 √There are 6 fonts for you to choose from, and custom fonts are also accepted.

 √There are 22 front colors for you to choose from, and custom colors are also accepted.

 √There are 15 lighting colors for you to choose from, and custom colors are also accepted.

 √Depending on your installation environment, the backplate can be customized for you.

 √110V AC to 12V DC LED driver/transformer is included.

 √You can set up a dusk to dawn switch for the house numbers. They will be lighted up and off automatically base on the environment lighting.

 √You can contact us with your special requirements. Waiting for your mail to custom!

FAQ About House Numbers

1.What is your standard lead time of house numbers?

All house numbers are ordered to made. Generally we need 1-2 weeks to make. It will be delay if too many pending orders.

And shipping will take about 1-2 weeks.  So the lead time would be about 3 weeks.

❤ We accept rush order. Express shipping takes about 4-7 days. Please tell us if you have estimate deliver date.❤

2.Do you accept return or cancellation after order?

We do NOT accept customize house numbers return or refund. Please consider before ordering.

3.I have special requirement, can you customize for me?

All house number accept customize. Please contact us!

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